Well, it is day 3 and I am still trying to work out the bugs on this trip. Found out yesterday that the path I wanted to take is snowed in and am now looking for alternate routes, and believe I have found one. Mystic and I are working on our relationship, it is hard to get used to a new horse when you have ridden one for 14 years and while everyday I miss my girl I know that if I just have patience Mystic will rise to the occasion. Solo is my bigger concern, his feet have paid the price of miles on the pavement and he is taking a break with my friend Allison. Hopefully he can rejoin me when he heals, if not I will have to find someone to take care of him during my trip, which will not make him or me happy.
While these first days have been frustrating, they have also been very cool, as I have met some wonderful people that have done everything from giving me water to letting me charge my cell phone to finding me an alternate route to travel. I must also comment the Sandy volunteer Fire Station for its nice field where I camped not one but 2 nights on this trip. It was starting to feel like 'GroundHogs Day'(an older movie starring Bill Murray) and I keep having this sneaking suspicsion that I will round the next bend and suddenly will be back at the fire station. hah hah
Well time to run to dinner before hitting the ranger station here to get maps for the trails I want to take and accurate snow tallies also.
I must say dinner was wonderful, Ali treated me to a meal that included one of the best briskets I have had and the best mac and cheese ever. If you are ever in Zig Zag Oregon, please stop in at the Skyway, and bring your appetite as there are no small portions served and if you love barbeque you will be in heaven(try the blueberry sauce).
OK heading to bed people, will blog more later.
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